Key Please Note About Workers 'Offshore'
If we look at the current state of oil and gas industry will continue to survive at least another 10 years even if no new exploration is carried out. Most Oil Companies desperate for employment of new workers to work in the 'offshore', particularly in exploration and drilling.
Did you all know about the schedule or hours of work in 'offshore'? Most oil companies practice a week of work a week off or two weeks work/2week'off' and so on. If not mistaken, the Schlumberger five weeks of work / 2 weeks 'off'. Imagine you are at sea for five weeks. However, payment is great. If at ExxonMobil, they practice two weeks of work / 2 weeks off.
Not all workers 'offshore' in @ oil platform. It's also working on the FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading), tug boats, 'Barges' and so on.
Most of us grew up with the same communication tools available through mobile phones, or Internet. But, if you start to enter the field of oil & gas' life, you have to start to adapt to not using the telecommunications facilities. To contact family or friends is not as easy as in 'OnShore. But things like this that test you, especially with families and is girlfriend. But do not worry, there are some platforms that provide "i-talk '.
Any successful to work in 'offshore', you also have to think about things that involve individual. For example, a car loan your money, phone bills, credit card and so on. You perlulah'set up automatic payments with the bank. Ha .. just past the new SPM, the first with the Ministry of Defence you can check are you is listed as the trainer.
Working in the 'offshore' ni is worth and can be rewarded if you are interested to study and to work sincerely and earnestly. Wrong, wrong day, you will get a promotion and a number of "advance" the other. EMm, do not forget , be working just six months to a year tu je. Not like office workers, you have plenty of time to comply with the activities of your own. I see, the workers 'offshore' round2 time they will leave Malaysia with their large motor beb .. big salary, big motor like I kind of like a 'cikedis'. It also opened his own business to fill the space and fill their own pockets. Tax ... do not forget to pay tax. If you good luck, but do not have to pay tax. Depending on your contract it right.
For those interested, I wish him well in interviews and so forth. Other people can not help you except yourself. I purpose, we need to fill ourselves with knowledge of oil & gas industries. Munity, so if you are interested Welder, Take welding study in a recognized institute. Same ruling applies to those who want to be roughneck to be any ... I was fit state bodies. ... Depends too on your profession ...
Did you all know about the schedule or hours of work in 'offshore'? Most oil companies practice a week of work a week off or two weeks work/2week'off' and so on. If not mistaken, the Schlumberger five weeks of work / 2 weeks 'off'. Imagine you are at sea for five weeks. However, payment is great. If at ExxonMobil, they practice two weeks of work / 2 weeks off.
Not all workers 'offshore' in @ oil platform. It's also working on the FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading), tug boats, 'Barges' and so on.
Most of us grew up with the same communication tools available through mobile phones, or Internet. But, if you start to enter the field of oil & gas' life, you have to start to adapt to not using the telecommunications facilities. To contact family or friends is not as easy as in 'OnShore. But things like this that test you, especially with families and is girlfriend. But do not worry, there are some platforms that provide "i-talk '.
Any successful to work in 'offshore', you also have to think about things that involve individual. For example, a car loan your money, phone bills, credit card and so on. You perlulah'set up automatic payments with the bank. Ha .. just past the new SPM, the first with the Ministry of Defence you can check are you is listed as the trainer.
Working in the 'offshore' ni is worth and can be rewarded if you are interested to study and to work sincerely and earnestly. Wrong, wrong day, you will get a promotion and a number of "advance" the other. EMm, do not forget , be working just six months to a year tu je. Not like office workers, you have plenty of time to comply with the activities of your own. I see, the workers 'offshore' round2 time they will leave Malaysia with their large motor beb .. big salary, big motor like I kind of like a 'cikedis'. It also opened his own business to fill the space and fill their own pockets. Tax ... do not forget to pay tax. If you good luck, but do not have to pay tax. Depending on your contract it right.
For those interested, I wish him well in interviews and so forth. Other people can not help you except yourself. I purpose, we need to fill ourselves with knowledge of oil & gas industries. Munity, so if you are interested Welder, Take welding study in a recognized institute. Same ruling applies to those who want to be roughneck to be any ... I was fit state bodies. ... Depends too on your profession ...
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